As the owner of a supermarket, you are undoubtedly aware of the challenges that you face, every single day. When you are dealing with a significant number of staff, and the success of your business is reliant on getting as many customers through your doors as possible, there is always a considerable risk of accident and injury.
Even with the most dutiful dedicated staff, it is all too easy for a customer to slip on a spillage, or trip over something that isn’t supposed to be there. All of a sudden you’re having to deal with a claim being brought against your business. Without adequate supermarket insurance, the cost of legal fees and compensation falls to you – can your business absorb such substantial unforeseen costs?
Proper supermarket insurance is also important for the protection of your stock and your premises. It could be vandalism, a fire, a flood, theft or accidental damage. Whatever the unforeseen reason for loss, you need to be covered. If not, you risk losing your business, your livelihood, your security.
Cover that Guarantees the Safety of Your Supermarket
A sufficient level of supermarket insurance necessitates amalgamating numerous separate types of insurance:
- Employer’s liability insurance – to cover any damages, legal costs and expenses, should an employee get injured.
- Public liability insurance – to cover any damages, legal costs and expenses in the event of a customer getting injured or their property getting stolen/damaged.
- Business contents insurance – to cover against the theft/damage of your business’ contents.
- Product liability insurance – to cover any damages, legal costs and expenses in the event of customer illness/death because of your products and/or services.
- Loss of income insurance – to cover any loss of income that occurs whilst waiting for an insurance payout.
The need to combine all these insurance types says a lot about just how vulnerable a supermarket is – more so than most other businesses – and just how important it is to seek a level of coverage that will protect your business – fully.
Perfect Products Combined with Top Customer Service
When it comes to supermarket insurance, a ‘one size fits all’ approach is never advisable. Too little cover and you’re at risk, too much cover and you’re paying over the odds. At shop we tailor each policy to the exact requirements of each client. In doing so we ensure that the premiums we charge represent outstanding value.
And all our products are backed up by our outstanding customer service.
Our representatives are always contactable to assist and advise you – Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:00 PM or email us your question to and we will get back to you Monday – Friday 9:00 – 5:00 PM To find out more, call us today on 0121-628 9494