What is an excess buy back / excess insurance policy
All insurance policies have an excess, the exception being Employers’ Liability cover and this is effectively an agreed amount of money that the insurer will deduct from your claim before sending you the claim’s settlement cheque. Initially this excess helped to reduce your premium when you first took out the policy and in some cases the excess could be over £200 and in some instances as high as £2,000. That will be deducted from your final claim settlement cheque.
Therefore, if you have a policy that has a £600 (combined Voluntary and Compulsory) excess then if you have a fault claim and you had to pay £1,000 to repair your car, the insurer will send you a £400 settlement cheque as they had to deduct the £600. This is not a happy ending especially after a claim.
However, there is a way to soften the blow that the high excess inflicts on your finances in the case of a fault claim and this is by buying an insurance policy, some times referred to as excess buy back insurance, excess insurance, that refunds you the amount that you have to pay should you have a fault claim.
Protect your finances by investing in a cheap policy that will refund you the deductible amount after a fault claim. Get a good deal on your policy by getting a quote.
The excess insurance policy can also be used to protect your finances when you have to make a claim on any policy that has a deductible amount –
The excess insurance policy is available for:
Personal lifestyle insurance policies like Cars, Motor Homes,Motor bikes, Minibus or your house you can get excess buy back quotes and instant cover by clicking on the button below !
Business insurance policies you can get quotes and then buy instant cover by clicking on the button below!